Welcome to the home of #LuckIsNoCoincidence, Unibet’s exclusive new series that blends sport,
stats and science with top class talent.
In Episode 6, we take a look at football’s key moments - red cards and goals. Watch on as we investigate how these game changers truly impact match results.
Get involved in our fun quiz as we reveal the truth behind football’s most famous clichés right here!
Red Card Experiment: Watch as we expose what really happens in the aftermath of a surprise dismissal…
Betting Experts Reveal: the key facts you’ll need to bet live when a red card is shown.
Football and mathematics go hand in hand, as we showcase the different styles of the beautiful game.
It’s all fun and games with the F2 Freestylers - take a look at some of the best gaffs, bloopers and highlights from across the series!
Episode 5 - Know Your Surface
Think playing surfaces make little difference? Think again. Click play as we reveal the science behind contrasting pitch conditions.
How much do pitches influence match results at the elite level? Let's find out...
Check out what happened when the F2 Freestylers caused half-time havoc in our ultimate game of two halves...
Ahead of the US Open, find out how surfaces affect ball speed and movement – and your potential winnings.
Betting Experts Reveal: Why surface knowledge could make all the difference to your bets.
It turns out the F2 Freestylers have the skills, no matter how big or small the ball is...
Episode 4 - Home Advantage
In Episode 4, we look at why home advantage can be such a positive factor in affecting sporting results. Is it just the fans? Or is there more to it? Click to find out!
Betting Experts: Why Home Advantage Should Influence Your Bets...
What happens when these players are put under the ultimate pressure cooker?
Experiment: Can Referees be influenced by home crowds? We find out...
What crowd support really does for the world's top athletes...
F2 Feel The Support In Copenhagen: Trickshot Special!
Episode 3 - Football's Data Revolution
In Episode 3 we look at how stats and data are driving football in the 21st century. Can you get one step ahead of your opponent by crunching the numbers first? Click play to see!
Football’s Data Revolution: To be successful in the modern game, you need to do your homework. We find out why…
Betting Analysis: Can swotting up on the stats and data make you a better bettor? We asked the experts…
Possession experiment: Dominating possession or shooting on target, which tactic is more effective?
Men v Machine: Who’s better at predicting football results? Pundits, fans, a super-computer or… er… a goat?!
F2 Defying The Data: We told the F2 Freestylers that the stats were against them, so could they prove us wrong?
Episode 2: The Science of Penalties
Episode 2 is all about penalties, and the science of a shootout. How much pressure does the taker actually feel? And What makes a perfect penalty? Click play to find out!
Ex-England goalkeeper remembers famous shootout defeat against Ronaldo ...
Man Utd star holds penalty masterclass and we test if research can aid the goalie…
Spurs and England goalie faces unique penalty shootout, as we crank up the pressure…
Unibet’s experts help give you the edge when betting on penalty shootouts…
Marvel in amazement as The F2 Freestylers demonstrate their penalty trickshot repertoire…