How do you get better at online poker?

You probably have heard this old saying “poker takes a day to learn, but a life-time to master”. This is considerably true since it takes a lot of practice and experience to get better at online poker. However with the right learning strategy and poker tips in place, it will take you way less time to get better at poker even when starting as a complete beginner.

Poker guide shortcut to get better at poker

Learn about hand rankings, hand strengths and the advantage of position. There is nothing simpler than understanding which hands and plays win you the most money, just by learning basic poker theory.

We have written a few poker guides on different topics, so make sure to check them out. You can read about the importance of position in poker, how to read your opponents hand, which hands you should play and what the hand rankings are.

Poker tip 1: Get the maximum value from big poker hands

Always try to get maximum value from your big hands. With maximum value we mean winning the most chips as possible when you made a big poker hand. Some players are afraid they won’t get paid from a big hand and will try to keep their opponents in the pot by betting less. What these players don’t realize is that they often miss value (chips to be won) from their big hands.

Less value from your big hands means less overall-profit – keep that in mind. Instead whenever you have a big hand think about how much money you can bet at most to maximize the value you can win from the hand.

Poker tip 2: Use logic, not emotions at the poker table

Learn to make decisions based on logic and not on emotions only. Emotions are inevitable in poker and makes the game fun, but when you make bad decisions based on them, it will affect your poker game for the worse.

As a result this could even lead to more mistakes and playing even worse poker. This is also known as going on “Tilt” in the poker world. It is a very costly happening in online poker and should be minimized as much as possible. Instead try to make as many logic, good decisions as you can in a consistent way.

Evaluate your play and emotions after you are done playing poker. Look back at how well you played. Make notes about what you did well and what you need to improve on. Take these observation into consideration the next time you play.

Poker tip 3: Practise makes perfect, so play online!

The best advice and the most common of all is to play more poker. Experience and poker skills are developed by playing the game itself mainly. The more you play the game, the more likely it is you were in particular poker spots multiple times before and had the opportunity to learn from it. With poker spots we mean specific situations under given circumstances.

Let’s say it is folded to you, you find Ace Jack, decide to raise and another player re-raises your raise. Experiment and execution are the way to find out the best ways to play poker and to maximize the value in specific poker hands. However, while playing, don’t forget to implement the above poker tips in your game to get better at poker quicker.

Have fun and good luck at the poker tables!

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